December 24, 2014


Santa came to the party at our office last week. The boys both LOVE him this year - which is a nice change! Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!  Dick and Sue arrived last night and we're looking forward to spending some time with them!

December 17, 2014

Daddy & Justin in Philly

Justin and I made our annual trip to Philadelphia a few weeks ago so I could keep my streak of attending at least one Eagles home game per year going (30 years!!!). The Eagles lost but we still had a great time visiting family. My best friend Adam came over and we finally got to meet, his now fiancee, Tish.

On Sunday, we headed out for the annual Xmas tree hunt prior to the game. It was great to get together with the Leicester clan (minus Kim, Jimmy & Isla) and select that perfect Xmas tree.

The Eagles lost to the Seahawks but it was still great being at the game with my Dad, almost 30 years to the day since my first game.

On Monday, we took Justin and my nephew Ethan to Adventure Aquarium in Camden. The highlight were the hippos.

After spending one extra night because of flight delays, Justin and I headed back to Omaha. It didn't take long for Justin to take a nap.

Until next time!!