March 27, 2011

Some Weekend Videos

We had a pretty low-key weekend. It was really nice Friday and Saturday and we spent some time outside- but we were inside all day today because it was chilly - SIXTY DEGREES- brr. :)

I'm heading to DC this week for work and Dave is on baby duty. I'm looking forward to heading to one of my favorite towns - and I'm sure Dave is looking forward to three whole nights of one-on-one time with Justin..

Here are some videos from the weekend.
JD has a love of the front door (excuse his bed-head):

He also enjoys climbing around under the table:

And tonight he took off with his highchair:

March 14, 2011

One-Year Stats

I realized that in the midst of all of the hospital hoopla I forgot to post JD's one-year stats. He's not a small kid - especially considering the weight was after he hadn't eaten much for a week!

Weight: 23lbs 1 oz (he's now over 24)
Height: 30 1/4 inches
Head: 19 1/8 (still in the 95th percentile here..go figure)
The doc told me I needed to cut back on the milk - he was still getting quite a bit a day. So we've switched out some bottles with water. Next up is getting rid of the bottles all together. I figured with the month he had I could give him a few more weeks before we send him to sippy-cup boot camp. He drinks out of a regular cup great at home- but he hasn't done so well with the sippy cup. Daycare will get him on the right track when we're ready -(hey I pay them enough)- maybe next week..

The one year pic is below - you wouldn't know it to look at him but this is the day the downhill slide started...when he got sent home from daycare with a fever and then was home sick for almost a week before he got admitted to the hospital. Oh what a month February was... 

A Visit from Grandma Riggan

After Dick and Sue left my mom came in to hang out with Justin for the week. I neighbor asked me today "is there anyone on the block your mom hasn't met?" because she saw mom up and down the block talking to people all week. :)

Justin had fun with Grandma and now he's back to daycare. They said he did okay today- despite the fact that he's been spoiled with lots of (well deserved) one-on-one attention for the last month.

Justin loves standing in the window:

March 8, 2011

Thanks Grandmom and PopPop!

Dick and Sue were here Wednesday - Monday and Justin had fun spending some time with them. I'm sorry to report that I didn't take a single photo while they were here - so I don't have any to post! They spent a lot of time playing "cups," took many walks and had a few park visits. Justin was able to spend all last week at home and not go to daycare -which was great. And Dave and I were able to spend a night away from home in Fort Worth and enjoy a bit of downtime!

I'm sure Dick and Sue are enjoying sleeping through the night now that they are back home! Justin still isn't back to his old sleeping schedule of 11 uninterrupted hours- but it's slowly getting better. I sure hope he gets back to it sooner rather than later!

Grandma Riggan is here now...Justin is getting spoiled with all this grandparent attention..

March 1, 2011

Mean Mean Molars

Justin's one-year molars are making their presence known in this household. He is grouchy, screaming randomly, pulling my hair and just not being very pleasant. All just in time for Dick and Sue to come visit tomorrow. I've tried drugs, teething gel, things for him to chew on - nothing seems to work. His gums look so swollen and I'm sure it is not pleasant- but I just wish something would work for him! I think all four of them are coming in at once- so maybe we'll get it all done and over with at one time.
