September 26, 2011

Surgery Update

Justin's surgery went fine. They were running a bit late - he was such a good sport until 11am - and then he kept trying to get in my bag as he was sure there had to be food or drink in there! They finally took him back at 11:45.  The surgery took about 40 minutes and the doctor came back to talk to us afterward. He said it went fine and "it was big." He didn't seem to have any major concerns.

Justin is going to be pretty sore - he has some pain meds and we're going to keep those going every four hours the first couple of days and also give him motrin. So he will be one drugged up kiddo for a few days. He's sleeping in his swing right now - (I was afraid to lay him down- I'm afraid to move him period!) and hopefully he'll snooze for a bit. Daddy is going to be on duty tomorrow while I go to work and I'll be staying home on Wednesday. I wouldn't be surprised if I was home with him Thursday too - but we'll see how he does.

Thanks for checking in on us!

September 25, 2011

Justin and Mommy Weekend

Dave was in Houston for work so it was just Justin and I this weekend. Justin has been lots of fun - and we were able to spend some time outside- which is soooo nice!

Tomorrow is the big surgery day..and I'm starting to dread it. We don't have to be at the surgery center until 10:15am...and Justin can't eat anything tomorrow he will be GROUCHY. I'm trying to figure out how to keep him distracted until at least 9:30 when we'll leave house- without food...He can have apple juice and water until 8:15am- then nothing. They really should schedule all toddler surgeries first thing!

So needless to say - I'm enjoying today as I know tomorrow won't be fun. I just hope he has an easy recovery from the surgery -the kid deserves a break!

September 19, 2011

We postponed Justin's hernia surgery until next Monday. He still has a little bit of the sniffles hanging around (nothing compared to a couple of weeks ago) so we thought we'd wait a week and hope that he is all clear!

Below is a video of his mowing skills. We were actually able to play outside this weekend so the mower made a trip outside! It now gets to live in the garage instead of the house! (Auntie Karen- it's finally being used as a mower and not a vacuum!) I love how he has to carry the empty water bottle with him while mowing the driveway.

He devoured half an avocado tonight. I usually try not to give him that much at once (he is not in need of extra calories- in case you haven't noticed)- but he wanted to eat it right out of the shell. He was not happy when I tried to scoop it out for him (Mr. Independent).

 What do you mean I can't eat the outside?

September 16, 2011

Not nice, no throw blocks!

Justin's daycare teacher - Ms. Sonja - called me this morning. Usually when daycare calls it's a "he's got a fever" or "somebody bit him" or "he hit is head" call. He's only been in Ms. Sonja's room a couple of weeks now and I REALLY like her. This morning she called to tell me a "fun" story.

One of Justin's friends threw the blocks they were playing with and Justin said to him "Not nice, no throw blocks." The kid has words - he just doesn't use them very often! She got a kick out of that little talking outburst and wanted to share with me.

I'm not sure why he keeps his words to himself. He tends to blurt out a word once and tease you with it - and not say it ever again! I am hoping his new classroom helps him start using them a bit more!

September 12, 2011

Jersey Shore 2011

We spent last week with the Prinz/Leicester clan in Sea Isle, NJ. I'm hoping Lori and Kim have some great pictures to send our way too - as we didn't get as many as I thought! Unfortunately Justin and I had a bad cold, Lori was still battling laryngitis, Dick and Sue got a stomach bug and by the end of the week Dave had caught our cold. So it wasn't the healthiest house- but we still had a good time!

Justin enjoyed the beach for the most part - other than the day he had some terrible diaper rash- which probably made the salt water a little less fun. I wasn't sure how he'd react but he would chase after the water when the wave went back out - and if you were hanging on to him - he liked it when it came back in. He did not enjoy falling down in it though! He ate a lot of sand - and had fun splashing around with the buckets on the beach. Much more exciting than last year!

Here are a few photos and a video of Justin taking his first "ride" at the arcade on one of our rainy days!