August 27, 2012

Smart Kid

Justin enjoys telling me what color to wear in the morning when I'm picking out a shirt. Usually he says "pink" whether or not there is a pink shirt there. So this morning he's standing in the closet and I point at a purple shirt and say "how about this purple shirt?"

Justin points at a different purple shirt and says "This purple shirt."

To which I reply "No -that one makes mommy look fat."  (It does...maybe it will fit next month- but right now it just makes me look like a cow).

Justin simply replies, "I'm sorry."

I was cracking up and Dave (who has to answer the question - does this make me look fat or look pregnant?  - regularly) says "Good answer buddy - good answer."

August 25, 2012

New Classroom

Last week Justin transitioned in to a new room at daycare. Now we go upstairs every day! I hadn't ever been up there - in my head it was where the "big kids" went!  By Thursday he was upstairs full-time and it seems to be going okay. He's a total pill at home - but he's been excited to be in his new classroom when I drop him off and the teachers say he's doing well!

He introduced me to the classroom fish on Thursday..his name is Bobby Flounder. The last group of kids named him.

His new "status sheet"

New teachers

He's actually been quite happy up there- this is just the look I get when I ask him to smile

Showing me his art work

We get to choose every day if we want to take the elevator or the stairs!

August 20, 2012

The hand..

Justin is still waking up at 5am. This morning I locked him out of the bathroom - I'm tired of showering with an audience every morning.  This is what I saw when I got out of the shower:

Our little clock - (seen below working for some kid) which lights up to the awake bunny when it's okay to get out of bed- isn't really working. It gives us something to talk about when we take him back in there at 5am - but Justin is wide awake. So one of us ends up in there with him while he rolls around until the bunny lights up at 6am and he declares "bunny awake". I think I may as well change the bunny to light up at 5:30..maybe we'd have a shot of it working then.

In other news- Justin is transitioning to his new classroom this week. It should make for an interesting couple of weeks I'm sure. At least the kids in his class are staying the same- but we're moving upstairs to a new room and new teachers! We had a little party on Friday with the old teachers- who were all teary and sad to see their kids go (which made me teary of course).  They gave them silly graduation hats and certificates and best of all - cupcakes.

Had a checkup for Peanut on Friday as well - things are still looking fine. And I confirm every visit that we are stilll scheduled for a Nov 2 c-section!

August 7, 2012

Still laughing

I'm still laughing at Justin's statement to me last night while I was trying to get him dried off from the bath and dressed for bed - he yelled

" feelings.."

I know they talk about "feelings" in daycare- but evidently to him it's just a thing you say when nothing really hurts but you want to let somebody know you're not happy with whatever they are doing!  He had been saying "I don't like that" every time I attempted to do something terrible like wash his face. Evidently now that type of stuff is hurting his feelings- ha.

He's also using the word "favorite" a lot. "My favorite back hoe, my favorite train"  They are talking about favorite colors, ice cream etc in school so he's getting some use out of that word- even though he isn't quite using it properly.

His teacher told me he's also saying "Oh my gosh" to other kids when they aren't doing what they are asked. "Oh my gosh Miles- pick up the toys"

It's fun to see him pick up new things.

He's also calling every white-haired lady he sees Great Grandma - which makes me laugh. I just keep walking and hope they don't hear them...some of them are not so old!

August 5, 2012

The Peanut

The Peanut has not really had any blog posts- so I thought maybe I should post the last ultrasound picture (25 weeks) so he doesn't think he was neglected before he was even born :)

He was 2 lbs at the last appointment (July 27). He's been moving around a bunch and doc says everything is looking good. I go back again in a couple of weeks.

Chasing Mommy at the Park

We went to the park before 8am this morning to try to get some fun in before all of the park equipment got too hot to play on! 

Beating the heat...and the bugs

We've been trying to find something to do indoors on the weekend- to beat the heat - and avoid the mosquitoes. Some may call me paranoid- but there have been over 120 cases of West Nile Virus in Dallas County and 7 people in North Texas have died from the virus. Since mosquitoes seem to love Justin - we've been avoiding them and wearing bug spray when we are out!

Last weekend we visited the Children's Aquarium and this weekend we visited the Frontiers of Flight museum.  Otherwise we have been playing with trucks, trucks and more trucks around the house and reading lots of books!

Truck time at home:

I walked away to post these photos to the blog - and all of a sudden Truck Town grew around me. He kept coming back with more trucks and putting them all up on the desk!