December 24, 2014


Santa came to the party at our office last week. The boys both LOVE him this year - which is a nice change! Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!  Dick and Sue arrived last night and we're looking forward to spending some time with them!

December 17, 2014

Daddy & Justin in Philly

Justin and I made our annual trip to Philadelphia a few weeks ago so I could keep my streak of attending at least one Eagles home game per year going (30 years!!!). The Eagles lost but we still had a great time visiting family. My best friend Adam came over and we finally got to meet, his now fiancee, Tish.

On Sunday, we headed out for the annual Xmas tree hunt prior to the game. It was great to get together with the Leicester clan (minus Kim, Jimmy & Isla) and select that perfect Xmas tree.

The Eagles lost to the Seahawks but it was still great being at the game with my Dad, almost 30 years to the day since my first game.

On Monday, we took Justin and my nephew Ethan to Adventure Aquarium in Camden. The highlight were the hippos.

After spending one extra night because of flight delays, Justin and I headed back to Omaha. It didn't take long for Justin to take a nap.

Until next time!!

November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving in Iowa!

We made our first drive to Eastern Iowa to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family! It wasn't too bad of a drive with the boys - though Kyle does hate to be in the car seat for that long. It was wonderful to be able to pack up the car and drive on over. Both boys thoroughly enjoyed their cousins, aunts and uncles and of course Grandma and Grampa.

Hayden invited me to be his "VIP" at school on Wednesday. It was fun to see him in his classroom. His teacher seems really great! Grandma went too and was Lily's VIP.

Justin, Hayden and Lily in the snow
Helping wash the lawn mower to put it away for the winter

Building a little snowman before the snow melted

Helping Grandpa in the shop
Tara kept ALL of the kids on Saturday night and they helped her decorate her Christmas tree. Of course they kids had a blast!
While Tara watched all the kids...we hung out in garages and had some cockails

November 16, 2014


We have had our first real Midwest snow! Justin loves it- Kyle isn't so sure!

November 2, 2014

Kyle is 2!

Hard to believe that this ornery little boy is only 2! He's talking constantly and is all over the place. It is great to see him and Justin together and they are really good for each other. He pushes Justin to try things he wouldn't normally try - and Justin is great at keeping Kyle mostly out of the danger zone (at least yelling for Mommy when needed!).

He is amusing because he is pretty fearless when it comes to most things but does get scared of some things- like the man in a gorilla costume on Halloween. He gets this little look and says "I don't like it" whenever he is around something he considers scary.  I wish I could record that face and phrase!

He loves trucks, tractors, trains, etc. - just like his brother. He's a little less in to construction equipment than Justin was (and still is) but loves trucks- and loves combines! 

We had a fun birthday. Andrea, Nate, Kevin and Katie joined us for a birthday brunch this morning and we went to visit the big trains at a park this afternoon.

Justin loves a good cake baking! He wanted it to have M&M's and Sprinkles!

Kevin was such a nice helper :)

At Kenfick Park

October 30, 2014

Mom Mom & Pop Pop's First Visit To Omaha!!

Mom Mom & Pop Pop Prinz came to visit us over the weekend. Despite Justin catching a stomach bug (which luckily only lasted about 24 hours) we had a great time! It was nice out all weekend so we spent a lot of time outside - at the farm on Justin's field trip, at the park, raking leaves and walking around Old Market. And of course we went to the tractor store. We're looking forward to them coming back for Christmas, hopefully with Lori, Ethan and Kenny.

September 30, 2014

Tara and Lily!

Tara and Lily came to visit one of our first weekends in town! Justin and Kyle loved having them here! They made pancakes, cupcakes and went to the Rodeo/Stock show that was in town - which Justin calls the "radio" whenever he says it.

She actually's strange to me to listen to!
Hard to believe she's as old as she is!

Headed to the "radio"
Cousin Jane and her son at the stock show!

September 26, 2014

New school!

I was worried about Justin adjusting to a new school. He had some wonderful little friends in Dallas. He has done really well- he is pretty easy at drop off and is never quite ready to leave when I pick up! His new teacher is Ms. Sondra and she's been great with him. All of the girls in his class have similar names and I can't keep them straight - Ella, Ellie, Millie, Maggie, Sophie..the boys I have down- Ryan, Jacob, Lucas. 

Kyle on the other hand had a rough start. He had been sick for weeks which didn't help I am sure. His teacher is so sweet though and I know he's in good hands. He cries every day when we cross over Maple and he realizes where we are going. Breaks my heart! His class is pretty small -think there are 6 of them in there.

I know he will adjust. I personally think he misses his partner on crime- little Jack from Dallas. Those two were both ornery as all get out. Or maybe I just miss seeing Jack!

Some pics of the "park" at the a school. Which is Justin's favorite part.  Second favorite part may be that he gets to ride a bus when they go on field trips! The school also has a cafeteria where the bigger kids go for meals- and a nice gym for bad weather days!