June 27, 2012

What the hail have we been up to?

The month of June passed by with only ONE blog post from me? Is that possible? To say we have had a busy June is an understatement. Our handyman has been spending some time at the house- he re-did our storage room and we now have some awesome shelving to help keep us organized. While he was working on that our garage and dining room have been full of all of stuff that had collected in the storage area - which ended up being unfortunate as when it decided to HAIL buckets of golf balls on us -we had nowhere to stash a car.

Windshields on both cars needed replaced..we've had insurance people out to check out the damage on the bodies of the car..we need to have somebody out to look at the roof. We had the solar tube fixed already - but may need to have the roof replaced.  Dave was supposed to be working up the road at two different golf tournaments that had to be relocated cause the golf course was a mess...leading to him having to be gone more that expected. That hail storm was quite disruptive!

We had furniture delivered for Justin's future big-boy room- but we ordered the wrong size bed frame - so we get to do that all over again - which may have led to tears on my part in the midst of all of this chaos. We've moved the "office" furtniture to the dining room- and we bought a couch for the front room. We now have some IKEA furniture that we need to post on Craigslist so we can finish rearranging - and then we're going to solicit some help on accessories and paint colors for the front room/dining area.

I've been going to physical theraphy for my ankle a couple times a week..and don't forget those baby doctor appointments...Oh yeah..Justin is going to have a little brother..

Oh and I received a jury duty summons for July 9 - lucky me.

Maybe I'll update this post with some photos at some point...but we've been without internet (handyman cut a wire when he moved the internet from one room to another) and I haven't put any photos on the computer lately. Hope your lives have been less chaotic than ours lately! I'm looking forward to July and a trip to the midwest!

June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Dave is working today- so Justin made him a video:

Happy Father's Day!