January 31, 2011

Bye-bye adenoids...hello tubes!

We had a pretty awful weekend - even though it was 76 degrees and sunny. Justin had just finished a round of antibiotics on Wednesday and by Friday night he was a nightmare. We were up half the night and he was miserable. Since we had a visit with the ENT scheduled for today we didn't want to take him in to an urgent care doc and really wanted to just see the specialist. So...needless to say we had one sad, sick little boy this weekend.

The ENT confirmed he does have another ear infection so Justin is back on antibiotics and we have drops for his ears and some better pain meds to get him through the next couple of days. They drained some of the fluid from his ear and we're hoping he starts feeling better soon - and that this antibiotic also helps with some of his congestion.

We'll be taking JD to get his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears on February 11. Hopefully that will help clear up some of his sinus issues. Poor little guy is just a mess!

January 23, 2011

Another stuffy-nosed weekend

It's been a bit of a rough weekend - at night anyway. Justin is so stuffed up he keeps waking up and I've ended up sleeping half the night in the chair in his room with him. I wish I could wave a magic wand and fix his sinus issues.

We had managed to have some fun during the day though. He's really moving around and pulling himself up on everything. It's amazing how quickly he's gone from crawling to cruising. I wouldn't be surprised if he takes some steps by his birthday.

We kept a cardboard box around for the weekend:

Some videos:

January 17, 2011

Do I look like I have a double ear infection?

I took Justin to the doctor today to chat about his leaky eyes (they have been draining and goopy) and it turns out he has a double ear infection- which explains his not sleeping through the night! I feel bad I didn't take him in there sooner- but he wasn't acting like he did with previous ear infections.  It hasn't seemed to bother him during the day- he's just been waking up once or twice at night. The doctor is sending us back to the ENT to talk about the ear infections and his allergies.

After we picked up his prescriptions we walked up to the park. He enjoyed the swing!

Some video:


The Children's Aquarium will be a good stop on future rainy days- especially when Justin is old enough to run around and check things out. Sarah snapped a few photos. The only thing Justin was really very interested in was the large turtles..(all I can hear in my head right now is Dave saying "I like turtles").

January 16, 2011

A Day with Declan

Declan came over and spent the day with us yesterday. Dave is out of town and Sarah came up for the weekend and since Meredith and Brendan are in the process of moving we volunteered to keep Declan for the day.  It was fun having a baby around who can't follow you in to the other room.. ;)

Justin was very interested in stealing Declan's pacifier- Meredith thought we should capture it on video. No children were harmed in the filming of this video:

Today- Sarah and I are going to take Justin to the Children's Aquarium. It's dreary and rainy out and we want to get out of the house!

January 11, 2011

Cardiology Check-up

Justin has a cardiology check-up today. When he was born they heard a slight murmur and discovered that he had Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). Good news is - we don't have to go back to the Cardiology docs. Everything seems to be closed up as it should be!

Shout out to our friend Shannon - who is a pediatric cardiologist. We went to her practice and saw her colleague Dr. Day. It was the most efficient Dr.'s appointment I've ever had. We were done within 30 minutes. Usually I'm still in the waiting room after 30 minutes!

Now if the umbilical hernia would clear itself up we'd cross that off our watch list too!

January 4, 2011

Some new videos

Playing with his blocks - he loves throwing them:

He's got two laughs- a pig and a chipmunk:

More Christmas

We had Christmas again on New Year's Eve in Dallas. Justin was a bit more cooperative this go-around and is feeling much better. The teeth are still waking him up at night- but hopefully they'll stop doing so soon!

Sweet ride from Aunt Carol and Uncle Ed:

Playing with his new John Deere: