August 30, 2011

18 Month Stats

We visited Dr. Denison the night before we took off for Iowa for JD's 18 month checkup. Overall he's doing fine - we're going to continue the breathing treatments once a day -and he is having surgery to fix his umbilical hernia in September.

Weight: 27lbs 6 oz
Length: 33 inches
Head: Still Huge (20 inches)

Justin is still being pretty stingy with his words. He'll say one here and there and then not say it again for weeks. He has uttered Truck , Tractor, Grandma, Grampa, Jeff (yes all you aunts and uncles- be jealous- he uttered Jeff first), Duck and he regularly says "uh-oh." I've noticed just this week he has started saying more - so I'm sure he'll be babbling non-stop soon.

He transferred to a new room at daycare this week too - so drop off has been not-so-fun. His teacher says he's fine 5 minutes after I leave though. She has commented to me each day that he has a good appetite. For those of you who have seen the kid eat- I swear he is currently eating twice what he normally does - and you know that is a LOT.

Rocks are fun...

August 28, 2011

Congrats David and Elise!

Wanted to post some wedding pictures that Tara took this weekend. I'm sure we'll have some more to follow- but here are a few shots! Justin was at the reception until 11pm..he refused to fall asleep and enjoyed showing off his dance moves..

Congrats David and Elise!

August 14, 2011

It's hot

We've been stuck inside so much this summer- it is so stinkin' hot that Justin is a sweaty red mess if we're out there for 10 minutes. He loves being outside - which makes it even harder to be trapped indoors so much. We're looking forward to our trip to Iowa in a couple weeks and our trip to the Jersey Shore the week after that..we need some relief!

Being inside means more dance parties..and a lot of climbing in and out of his rocking chair - and CONSTANTLY chasing Winnie- that poor dog.

Testing out his shore hat:

Chasing Winnie in to her cage:

Angry Justin cracks me up:

Video of JD dancing to the farm song- the kid has some strange moves. I love how he gets distracted for a bit and then comes back to dancing:

While reading last week - he attempted to say Tractor. He definitely knows what they are- and if I say "go get your tractor" he runs off and finds the one he got for Christmas from Grandma and Grampa Riggan:

If you missed his Happy Birthday Dance for Uncle Jeff- it's entertaining too: