December 31, 2011

Lovely Weather!

It has been gorgeous out the last couple of days so we have taken advantage of it! Yesterday we drove to Fort Worth to go to the zoo. Daddy practiced using his new camera and Justin really enjoyed the animals - especially the monkeys!

Today we went for a walk before we headed over to the park.  Justin spotted the fire truck across the street so we went over and said hello. The nice fireman let Justin up in the truck - he didn't want to leave the fire station!

Can you see me Daddy?

Can you see him sitting in the back window?

December 29, 2011


Dick and Sue left today and Justin went back to daycare. When I brought him home tonight and was getting him out of the car he looked at me and said "mom-mom" and I said- no she had to go home she's not here today. And then he said "pop-pop" and I had to say - no pop-pop went with her too.  It was so sad! Then he said "daddy" and I finally could say - YES - Daddy is inside let's go see him!

Needless to say -we had a great time while Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. Here are some additional photos!

Riding to the park in the new wagon from Grampa!

Mom-Mom and Justin exploring at the Arboretum

We hope to see them again soon!

December 28, 2011

Daddy's Home!

This is a fun video from last week - Justin gets so excited when Daddy comes home - as does Winnie.

Christmas Day Video

Here's our Chistmas day summed up in a minute. Lots of playing with new toys! Thanks to everyone for all of the fun things!

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We hope your Christmas has been enjoyable as ours thus far!
Christmas Eve Story

Santa was here!

Wagon Wheels are cool!

Helping Daddy open presents..

December 24, 2011

Pre-Christmas Pics

Last night Rob and Maxine came over with Lucy and we used our new camera to take a few pics!

Look - bellies!

Hello? Anyone there?

I love my light-up ornament Aunt Lori! Thanks!

And just for fun here are Dave's co-workers on their Ugly Sweater day at work.
 And today we had fun with paint..or mess with paint..

December 18, 2011

Weekend Update

Friday was Justin's holiday party at school. Dave snagged a few pictures- he didn't make it in to any because Justin wouldn't let me step two feet away from him. He's very protective of his mommy at daycare.

We went to the park today and I tried out my new camera (birthday present) and we took some photos and video around the house today. I've also read books about trucks 5 million times today- I must say..I'm really over the three books we are reading over and over and over!

Cute airplane ornament from Grandma and Grandpa Riggan

Just goofing around

I love the park!

How do I get back up there?

And last but not least a couple of videos...Justin loves to destruct the block towers I build..

And he's just goofy.

December 11, 2011

Holiday Season!

We went and cut our tree down in the rain last weekend. Justin enjoyed helping decorate! We only broke two ornaments- and Justin was only responsible for one of those!

We had our annual holiday party yesterday - lots of friends and kiddos came by. Unfortunately we didn't get many photos but here are a few! We love seeing everyone!

"My Mommy"

The older kids loved these blocks during the party- and the little kids loved knocking them down!