November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving in Iowa!

We made our first drive to Eastern Iowa to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family! It wasn't too bad of a drive with the boys - though Kyle does hate to be in the car seat for that long. It was wonderful to be able to pack up the car and drive on over. Both boys thoroughly enjoyed their cousins, aunts and uncles and of course Grandma and Grampa.

Hayden invited me to be his "VIP" at school on Wednesday. It was fun to see him in his classroom. His teacher seems really great! Grandma went too and was Lily's VIP.

Justin, Hayden and Lily in the snow
Helping wash the lawn mower to put it away for the winter

Building a little snowman before the snow melted

Helping Grandpa in the shop
Tara kept ALL of the kids on Saturday night and they helped her decorate her Christmas tree. Of course they kids had a blast!
While Tara watched all the kids...we hung out in garages and had some cockails

November 16, 2014


We have had our first real Midwest snow! Justin loves it- Kyle isn't so sure!

November 2, 2014

Kyle is 2!

Hard to believe that this ornery little boy is only 2! He's talking constantly and is all over the place. It is great to see him and Justin together and they are really good for each other. He pushes Justin to try things he wouldn't normally try - and Justin is great at keeping Kyle mostly out of the danger zone (at least yelling for Mommy when needed!).

He is amusing because he is pretty fearless when it comes to most things but does get scared of some things- like the man in a gorilla costume on Halloween. He gets this little look and says "I don't like it" whenever he is around something he considers scary.  I wish I could record that face and phrase!

He loves trucks, tractors, trains, etc. - just like his brother. He's a little less in to construction equipment than Justin was (and still is) but loves trucks- and loves combines! 

We had a fun birthday. Andrea, Nate, Kevin and Katie joined us for a birthday brunch this morning and we went to visit the big trains at a park this afternoon.

Justin loves a good cake baking! He wanted it to have M&M's and Sprinkles!

Kevin was such a nice helper :)

At Kenfick Park