November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandma and Grampa are here for Thanksgiving! Yay!

Carving the turkey

Grampa getting Justin with the whipped cream!


Grampa's boys

November 18, 2013

87 and sunny

We spent some time outside this weekend- it was so nice out! Kyle only ate a few leaves and rocks..and only fell off the deck once.

November 6, 2013

1 Year Stats

Kyle is still a little guy - I'm supposed to work at fattening him up and go back in 6 weeks for a weight check. And I'm supposed to read to him more - even if he's not listening to me and is running in circles - and for the 4th time the doc told me to start brushing his teeth - I've been avoiding this one as I hate adding one more thing to the to-do list, but I guess it's time.

Weight: 18.74 (he's in the 5th percentile here..)
Length: 29.75
Head: 18

Justin of course was much bigger at 23lbs; 30.25 inches with a 19+ head. I was reminded when looking back that Justin hit his bout of pneumonia at this age - ugh. That was so not fun.

Here are some more birthday photos!

November 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Kyle!

A year has certainly flown by! It's been a whirlwind of laughs, tears, lots of coughing, and lots of fun.

Kyle is definitely much different than Justin at this age. I assumed they would be completely different; but it's been fun to watch. Kyle is all over the place; he's not really one to sit and cuddle with me and read books. He eats books and then tosses them aside and toddles off. 

I am still using the baby bathtub for baths- because the mad man tries to drown himself and will not sit still in the tub. Once in awhile I put him and Justin in the big tub at the same time- but it lasts about 5 minutes as he won't sit still and even Justin gets irritated. 

Kyle is a busy body at school too. He barely naps- if there are things going on he wants to be involved. On the weekends when he's in his room by himself he will sleep for hours- but not at school!

Overall - he's been a pretty good baby. He's generally a happy guy. He loves watching Justin do things and it won't be long before he's giving Justin a run for his money! I hope they always have a wonderful relationship and I'm looking forward to watching their relationship develop and change over the years!

It's been a struggle at times this last year juggling two kids, work and Dave's travel schedule. I'm thankful I have a job that is understanding; I know I'm very lucky. I've considered a nanny a time or two; but I love how much Justin is learning in school and can't imagine pulling him out - and can't afford to pay for daycare and a nanny!

I'm going to be one sad mommy when I don't have a baby to smooch on any more. But..we're done. A sad mommy is probably better than a mommy who is locked up in a padded room because she decided she needed another baby in the house..

Happy First Birthday Sweet Kyle! We love you!