July 29, 2013

Pool Time!

Apryl and Adam kindly invited us over for some lunch and pool time on Sunday. Since Dave was out of town, Kelly came with us to help out!  Justin has been super timid around the water and I knew there was no way I could get in alone with both kiddos. He started freaking out a bit when I took him in but he got over it and actually had fun! Kyle enjoyed some water-time too!

Kelly got him "jumping" to her.

He looks thrilled, right- he was actually enjoying himself..

Fell asleep playing after we got home..pool wore him out!
When Dave gets back in town- Justin starts swim lessons! He goes for two weeks (Mon - Thur) after school. It's the type of lessons where you go in and drop off your kid..should be interesting! Dave is going to be taking him and dropping off so hopefully that will make him a bit less likely to completely freak out. I think he'll enjoy it but it may take a lesson or two before he does!

July 28, 2013

Lovely Little Saturday

Love how he lines things up..

Happy Baby - at our picnic


He rode his bike - then played for awhile with his sweet helmet on..

Turned my head and he became thug baby!

July 25, 2013

Doctors, Dentist, Trolleys and more!

I took Monday off because Justin had a check-up at the Allergist and a Dentist appointment - and I thought we could do something fun afterwards. Dave ended up taking Monday off too- but because Kyle had some crazy 24-hour fever bug and even though his fever had disappeared by Monday morning I wasn't sure he should head off to school quite yet!

The trip to the dentist was fairly terrible. They tried really hard to get Justin to cooperate. I was REALLY impressed with the dental assistant and the dentist- but in the end it was my holding him in my lap while he screamed bloody murder while they looked at his teeth. His teeth look great- so that's good at least.

Afterwards he told me "I was crying" when we talked about the visit to the dentist - or when we told others about the dentist visit. We met Dave and Kyle for lunch and ice cream and then Justin and I parked in my office parking garage and walked over to ride the trolley. This was our first trolley trip and he rather enjoyed it. He was exhausted by the time we got back in the car to head home!

Justin has sort of regressed a bit this week. I had thought we were in the clear on potty training but he all of a sudden is having the "pooping drama" again. I really hope we get back in the groove soon. I was so happy we had moved past it! He's also being a general whiner again - arg. Hoping we can rectify it before Dave goes out of town for another week - or it's going to be one long week!

Sweet onesie from Reagan!

He loves telling Kyle good morning :)  Yes- Kyle sometimes hangs out in the bathroom.


We were having fun with the camera before work -
love that they both have the same sort of weird look going on.

July 14, 2013

Tractors! Bulldozer! Backhoe! Construction Site! Hay Bales!

I love Justin's enthusiasm for tractors and construction equipment of all sorts. It's fun to just go for a drive with him because there is always construction equipment along the route! I really will be incredibly sad the day he stops shouting about equipment from the back seat of the car.

We had a bulldozer on the street behind us leveling a house last week - we stopped to see it on our walk. It was not easy to convince him to go back home!

He looked back to be sure it wasn't moving ;)

Yesterday it was hot and gross out and we were trying to decide what to go do. Grandma had suggested the John Deere store when we were FaceTiming with her - and well that's where we ended up after a stop for cheesesteaks at some fairly authentic place in the burbs.

The tractor store is about a 40 minute drive from us so we don't do it often. Justin was SO excited. They have a bunch of equipment outside and then inside they have more equipment AND a ton of toys. He just ran in circles you will see in the video below.

He wouldn't look at me cause he was busy trying to decide what to run to next.

We decided Grampa should upgrade. Justin liked the back seat.

There is a Rita's Water Ice place in the burbs (it's a Jersey original) so we stopped there too.

And both boys took a nice little nap on the way home!

July 7, 2013

Week of single mommyhood

Dave left Saturday and doesn't get back until next Friday..lucky me! We had an okay weekend minus one cranky Kyle on Saturday afternoon.

This was my attempt to pass some time on Saturday. It was 100 degrees and Kyle was super cranky and this ended up with my pulling a wagon and holding a baby under my arm. It didn't go so well.

And breathing treatments...THREE TIMES A DAY for both of these guys. Thankfully their coughs are getting better so hopefully two times a day will suffice this week - so I don't have to haul both nebulizers to school.

Here are some videos:

Kyle is officially crawling. He's everywhere and putting everything in his mouth. It's hard to leave a room with him on the floor. He manages to find something he shouldn't have!

We made a new game on Saturday..I drew shapes and Justin ran, hopped, skipped, jumped on them. I was doing my best to wear him out.

Grandma had put some longhorns in the box she sent us. Justin had them eating my hair. I said "get off me - cows don't eat hair - they eat grass." Next thing I knew he was packing up his longhorns and taking them outside.

Fun with puzzles while Kyle was napping. He did this every time he found the next letter..

Kelly did come over for a few hours today so I could go meet Sandy for lunch and run a couple of errands without dragging children with me - which was lovely. And I'm not ashamed to say it - I have help coming Monday and Wednesday night after work. I figured - why torture myself all week. Noemi is coming over at 5:30 and will likely beat us home and can start dinner and help me with one of the kids so not every night is a total chaotic race to get children in bed. 

July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Well - I've had better 4ths. We invited a bunch of peeps over to our house before the neighborhood parade so we could all walk over together- and then have lunch at our house afterwards.  I have zero photos because I was sick. It's super fun to get ready to host people at 9am when you don't feel well. Maybe I had a touch of a stomach bug that perhaps sent Kyle home from daycare on Tuesday? Who knows. But it was the longest 6 hours from about 7am - 1pm when the guests left. I love hosting people - but it's not easy to do when you'd rather curl up in a ball and sleep.

The kids were cute anyway:

See my tooth?!

Riding his bike!!