September 21, 2009

First Kicks

Dave thinks I'm making things up - but Barnaby is totally kicking me these days. It started late last week and I wasn't positive that is what it was because it's not the "fluttery" feeling that people have described but more like twitches and twinges. Since it's still happening and I have no other explanation for it, I'm convinced that it's the little guy getting his daily workout. ;)

September 20, 2009

Tanya at 20 weeks

We're halfway home and Baby Barnaby is starting to take shape.  We had a doctor's appointment on Friday and the doc said he thinks Barnaby looks just like me...I agree.  He's up to a full 12 ounces...or in layman's terms, one can of beer.  Tanya is feeling good and starting to get a little belly.  We'll try to take pictures every 4 weeks or so but there probably won't be any more sonograms for a while.