July 29, 2010

Thank You Aunt Carol & Uncle Ed!

Justin got a fun present in the mail this week! Thanks Aunt Carol and Uncle Ed for the great gift!

July 25, 2010

Justin Rolled Over!

I thought it looked like maybe he'd manage to flip over- so I grabbed the Flip camera:

Finally - he flipped over on his own! I wonder how long it will take for him to do it again..

July 22, 2010


Dave took Justin to the ENT this morning and the verdict was allergies. We've got some Singulair and some nose sprays that we're supposed to try to see if that helps clear things up.

The pediatrician had said "babies don't get allergies" when I had asked that question originally. Evidently they can it's just not very common. It makes me want to run out and get the meds they gave us for him as I've been sniffling this whole time too!

We're going back at the beginning of September to check-in with the ENT. Hopefully the meds will help and the little guy won't be so congested all of the time!

He is sleeping peacefully with his lovey on his head - after his first dose of Singulair in some rice cereal. Hoping the Singulair agrees with him and doesn't create a baby monster tonight..

July 18, 2010


We had some friends over yesterday afternoon with their kiddos. There seem to be babies everywhere- we're looking forward to watching them interact as they get older! The two newest ones couldn't make it yesterday- but we hope they can join us next time!

Maya (1 year), Max (9 weeks) and Justin (5 months)

Miss Eliza (4 months)


Grandmom and Grandpop Visit

Grandmom and Grandpop Prinz came to visit last weekend. We loved having the here and can't wait to see them again next month!

Asleep at dinner:

Nappin on Grandpop:

Trying to get him to smile at the camera:

We missed Jackie's big graduation party- but Justin sends "Happy Graduation" her way!

July 5, 2010

Some old photos

Mom emailed me some pics today.

Me at four months:

Me at 5 months:

I say I must have been pretty advanced- there is no way Justin could sit like that or get up on all fours yet. :)

And it looks like Justin's bad hair didn't come from just daddy - I didn't have much either!

July 4, 2010

The never-ending cold..

Justin and I both seem to have the never-ending cold. We're going on three weeks and Justin hasn't been able to sleep a full night in his crib in 12 days...not that I'm counting or anything. We went to the doctor on Thursday just to check-in and make sure it hadn't morphed in to something worse and he told us to just keep doing what we're doing. Makes me so sad for my little guy. At least I can blow my nose - he's stuck with me, the saline and the bulb to do his dirty work. We have tried everything- steaming up the bathroom, using the humidifier but nothing really does the trick. We've resorted to sleeping upright in the swing and usually sleeping on mommy in the recliner for a couple hours each night.

It makes me feel a bit better that I've had the same symptoms this whole time - at least I feel like it is a bad cold and the doc isn't missing something. I asked the doctor a bunch of questions about what else could be causing this- but he pretty much said "he's a daycare kid."


Loving the Jumparoo

Justin is loving this thing.