July 31, 2011

My Sweet Hawkeye

JD discovered the football that plays the fight song this weekend- and immediately started dancing - and provided many encores for me. I'm one happy Hawkeye mommy - :)

July 23, 2011

Oh the joys

This is the same boy who rolled around on the floor kicking and crying all morning..

This afternoon he was great..but this morning he cried and rolled around on the floor whenever he didn't get what he wanted- and I don't think he even knew what he wanted. He just points and grunts - a lot. And he would prefer to be outside constantly- but that's just not possible when it's 106 degrees.

He seems to be better on the health front. He is however, producing buckets of drool. I'm guessing that's from a combo of the i-teeth still coming in and the fact that his mouth is in mega-healing mode after the torture it received this last week.

July 21, 2011


I've never been so happy to see a smile - I almost cried.

He's happy in the high chair- he doesn't want down. So I've just left him there..it's just so great to see him play! Just two hours ago he was a monster baby and was only content when we were in the car driving around..I guess the drive helped?

Oh sick bugs..

Well we are on day 7 of this awful bug. Dave stayed home with Justin yesterday while I was in Austin for work - and I'm at home with him right now. He's better- he's just not 100% yet. I'm sure that it doesn't help that he is "teething" on himself. His tongue, cheeks and lips are all disgusting cause he has been chewing on himself (freak). The doctor wasn't too worried about it - said it will all heal really fast when he stops doing it. I just really wish he'd stop - it's making me crazy...

So...I hope the "5-7" days that the doctor said the bug would last...is accurate..I really hope we're at the end! It's been a long week!

July 17, 2011

Stomach Bug Weekend

Well - Justin is breathing just fine now- but of course something else had to happen! He was up pretty much all night on Thursday and it was obvious his tummy was bothering him - and then Friday he was pretty lethargic and got sick on Dave Friday after work. He was sick again Saturday morning - and he's been really out of it all weekend. He wants to either be held - or be in his swing - or we brought the umbrella stroller in and Dave is pushing him around the house in it now. Poor little guy. If it's not one thing it's another!

Another fun-filled parenting weekend! ;) Hoping it clears up so we don't end up back at the doctor's office this week!

July 12, 2011

Cry it out

Well after two nights of 30 minute crying episodes and a couple nights of 10 minute episodes- Justin has layed down without a peep for several nights! I realize I just jinxed it- but I had to share!

He and Winnie have continued chasing each other around, which has led to hysterical laughter by Justin, we have had some more dance parties, and he has been learning about tractors. Very eventful life we lead. :)

This is the longer version of Justin's hysterical laughter that I had emailed around when he was chasing Winnie the other night:

Some more dance moves:

Excuse the Imagination Movers which sounds like it is blaring in the background in the next one- I swear it's wasn't on as loud as it sounds! It's almost as if Justin is using real words here! :) We're getting there- even though everything sounds like "da" most days. (the embedded link isn't currently working -try visiting it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkpuVUnWeK4

I've been testing out the iTouch for videos. I don't like it as well as the Flip- but it's usually closer when I want to snag a video of something. And since Flip is going to be defunct sooner rather than later- I figured I should figure out what I'll do when Cisco quits supporting it and the editing software won't work as well as it does now. I'm taking all recommendations for other things to look at - I'll miss the Flip! I hope it continues to work well for awhile!

July 7, 2011

Then and Now..

His love for chasing Winnie has not waned with time..


Last October:

July 5, 2011

Fourth of July

We didn't catch the parade or any fireworks but we had a nice long weekend. We attempted a trip to the park on Saturday morning and it was HOT. So on Sunday Justin and I hit up the mall with Darcie and Maya while Dave and Marc were golfing. Maya and Justin ran around and wore themselves out. Maya practiced her "I'm gonna be a big sister soon" skills and pushed Justin around in the stroller a bit- he weighs as much as she does so that's a chore!

Sunday afternoon we went to Ben and Rachel's pool party. Justin FREAKED out when I tried to take him in the water. We had to go back out and play by the side of the pool for a bit and ease our way back in. After that he was fine- but he would rather go up and down the steps on the patio than hang out in the pool!  He also showed off some of his sweet dance moves.

We went to Dave's co-worker's house after Ben and Rachel's and Justin managed to smack his head on the kitchen floor on my watch - so has yet another bruise. He's sporting two right now. I think we over-did it for the day as he was up half the night and I know he had to be exhausted. I guess that's where the "overtired" phrase comes from. Around 2am I was wishing we had just come home at 7pm instead of squeezing in one more outing!

Here are a few recent pics and videos!

Everything is a phone to Justin:

We've been jamming to the Imagination Movers album quite a bit -he's got his "chair dance" down:

Paying the toll and then harassing Winnie (which he LOVES to do):

In other news- Justin screams his head off at bedtime every night - it's great fun. And I mean - SCREAMS his head off. Tonight we're back on the "cry it out" method- my bet is at least an hour before he's asleep. And he's currently back on breathing treatments a few times a day instead of just once. The doctor is supposed to call me tomorrow and we'll see if I have to take him back in.