July 9, 2014

Sick Day!

Justin got sent home with a fever on Monday- which meant no school on Tuesday.  Since he was fine Tuesday morning he came to work with me!  It was fun having him here. He really cracks me up with the things he talks about.  He played, watched videos, went to lunch with me, watched all the traffic out the window and was really great while I was on the phone half the day.

He's such a sweet kiddo.

Tractor Store! And weekend adventures..

We had a low-key 4th of July. We went to the little parade in our neighborhood (not that impressive) and Justin and I went to watch fireworks with one of his little friends - he enjoyed them.

On Friday he asked me "Can we go to the tractor store tomorrow?"  - so we did!  The boys had a blast running around and playing - and Justin was such a good listener the whole time- and patient while I chased Kyle in circles.

We've been playing in the water most days that we're around and they've been enjoying that too.  Not much else to report here!