April 22, 2012


Darcie and her girls brought us lunch yesterday and Justin loved on Baby Paige. Check out this video - he was in her face constantly and if she looked away he said "look" and tried to turn her head back to him.

We spent a lot of time outside yesterday- with Justin running around and me sitting on the deck with my foot up.

Mommy's boo-boo

Kissing my boo-boo

Today we went to Target and I rode the scooter around the store. Justin was jealous.

April 20, 2012


Thank goodness for great friends -

Justin was trying to make his way out the door this morning with is favorite tractor, plane and car in hand and I was trying to help him down the step - which I have done a thousand times before. He caught his foot or something and tumbled head first on to the cement and I came tumbling after him - hearing my ankle pop in the process.

Dave is out of town for work and I was sitting there trying to calm Justin down and wanting to scream cause my ankle hurt so bad. I'm thinking- oh my god - who can I call to help me- I can't even stand up. I immediately dialed Darcie and she picked up the phone and headed our direction. So thankful she was able to help us out! She got me on ice- got Justin in the car - we dropped her daughter off at home with Marc and she drove Justin to daycare and got him situated and then took me to the ER. I owe her big time!

The verdict is - a small fracture. I probably get to wear a boot for 6 weeks. Lucky me.

April 17, 2012

Uncle Elmo

Adam came for a visit last weekend - Justin liked having him around. It mostly sounded like he was saying Elmo when he said Adam. I'm not sure Adam enjoyed the whining that begins around here around 6am every morning...but it was great to have him here for a weekend!

Dave thought Justin would play with his plastic golf clubs while he messed around with his real ones...not the case. Justin wanted the real deal. I think we should start lessons...I wouldn't mind if he put himself through college then bought his mommy a house when he makes it big on the golf circuit..

April 9, 2012

Easter Eggs!

We tried coloring eggs- it worked for the most part. Justin enjoyed putting his hands in the colored water and only tried to drink it a couple of times. He enjoyed "finding" them in the yard and then eating them for breakfast afterwards!

April 5, 2012

Some Tid-Bits from Daycare

Daycare has been really happy with Justin's progress in the Toddler 2 class. They tell me almost every day! Some funny things they have told me lately:
  • Justin takes off his right shoe at naptime. Sometimes he holds on to it while he sleeps - sometimes it just lays by the cot- but he always takes off his right shoe. (He never takes off his shoes at home - though I take them both off at naptime - and he doesn't sleep with them -lol)
  • He is still a great eater. Miss Anita gives him two servings - and he still asks for more. Now he's putting the words together and saying " I want more; I want more..".then he'll look at her sweet and say - "please."  Once he realizes the food is all gone he'll get up and put the containers in the trash for her.
  • He walks around and says "Nita...Nita" to his teacher all day- much like he does to me at home with "Mommy...Mommy"  When he's done saying Nita he hollers at his old teacher in the adjacent room "Sonya...Sonya"
  • He loves his little friend Charlotte- who is now in a different room from him. She's still in Toddler 1. Those two rooms get together a lot and Miss Angelica told me if somebody is next to Charlotte Justin will insert himself between them. They get along so well it's cute.

April 1, 2012

Water time

We were able to play with the water table last weekend and this weekend- I think the warm weather is here to stay. I bought a new fun-looking sprinkler thing too - but Justin prefers to stick with what he knows - maybe in a couple months he'll warm up to the sprinkler.

Aunt Carol and Uncle Ed sent play-dough to Justin for his birthday- we got it out this morning and he only tried to stick it in his mouth twice- I think that's a success! :)

Justin has taken a liking to this bunny that Lily gave him when he was a baby - I think it's all the Easter talk at school. He read the bunny a story (about a bunny) before naptime today:

And he's rather enjoying Daddy's hat - he wore it around all night:

We have a couple of videos from the weekend too - trying to put on my shoes and singing happy birthday to Aunt Tara today.