Not a whole lot to report on yet. They did a chest x-ray this morning to see how things are going and there is some mucus in one of Justin's lungs that they are working on moving out. Respiratory Therapy comes and pats his back every four hours - it looks like it would feel good and I wish they'd try it out on me too. The nurse is suctioning out his nose about every four hours too. It is gross how much gunk the kid has produced. They were running some more tests that the doctor to referred to as the "Top 10" test which evaluates for the top 10 viruses to see if they can pinpoint what started all of this.
The IV fluids were stopped today - which means one less cord which is nice. Justin is still on oxygen to keep his levels where they need to be. He won't be able to go home until he can maintain those levels on his own. I imagine we'll be there a few more days.
All in all - he's being a trooper. He was playful today which I think is a good sign. It's not easy to keep him occupied in a small space and keep him from messing up his IV access. They want to leave the access on for now so his foot is basically immobilized and he's got lots of tape and a sock on it to help prevent him from pulling anything out.
Thanks everyone for continuing to check in on us.
Thinking of you guys! I am sure it is hard having him sick and confined. :(