January 31, 2011

Bye-bye adenoids...hello tubes!

We had a pretty awful weekend - even though it was 76 degrees and sunny. Justin had just finished a round of antibiotics on Wednesday and by Friday night he was a nightmare. We were up half the night and he was miserable. Since we had a visit with the ENT scheduled for today we didn't want to take him in to an urgent care doc and really wanted to just see the specialist. So...needless to say we had one sad, sick little boy this weekend.

The ENT confirmed he does have another ear infection so Justin is back on antibiotics and we have drops for his ears and some better pain meds to get him through the next couple of days. They drained some of the fluid from his ear and we're hoping he starts feeling better soon - and that this antibiotic also helps with some of his congestion.

We'll be taking JD to get his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears on February 11. Hopefully that will help clear up some of his sinus issues. Poor little guy is just a mess!

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