September 20, 2013

A few days with one kid- was supposed to be a break..

Foolish me- I thought that Dave taking Justin to Philly for a few days would be a little break and that I would get a ton of work done. How stupid of me.

Justin was on day 9 of diarrhea when Dave got on the plane with him. The doc had said- no reason not to take the trip. So we had already been juggling work, babysitters and taking turns staying home with him for a week. 

Kyle had been on three breathing treatments a day for a week and has a terrible cough and had been up at night with it. I took him to the doc Wednesday afternoon (couldn't get our doc so saw his colleague). Doc thought we needed to just keep doing what we were doing and gave a steroid prescription and said he wasn't really sure it would help. 
What? Me? Coughing?
I was foolishly waiting until morning to give the steroid because the previous night Kyle had slept till 4 without waking. Well at 12:30 he was having coughing fits. I went in his room and there was puke in his bed. He proceeded to cough so hard he threw up again. I gave him a breathing treatment. He had coughing/throw up fits a few more times. Tried to give him the steroid and he basically coughed and threw it up on me. 

I finally decided it was time for the ER. So off we went. The nurses and doctors loved him - everyone who walked in said "that's one good looking baby" - so either they say that to all the moms- or my kid is super cute..
Outfit number five...for both of us..
They did an additional treatment there and gave him an oral steroid. He had a reaction to the breathing treatment and threw up. Sigh. We got settled and they had me feed him as the reaction to treatment could cause him to still be nauseous. Sure enough- thought we were in the clear and up came the whole bottle - so anti-nausea meds were given and we had to hang out a bit longer. We finally arrived home at 7am.

We saw his doc last night and talked through it all. They did a whooping cough test -just in case - as there are quite a few cases down here and vaccines aren't 100%- but doc doesn't think that's what it is. So we are continuing steroids and breathing treatments..and hope it starts to get better! Poor kid!

So two more days home from work with a different sick kid..who also now has Justin's diarrhea bug on top of the breathing issues.  I just hope Justin's bug is cleared up by the time they get back's been a long couple of weeks around here! Every time we hit one of these rough patches I'm extra grateful that these are the only problems we're dealing with - I realize many parents out there are dealing with much worse situations!
Having fun while home with Mommy..

September 8, 2013

Go Hawks!

We had fun watching the Hawkeyes yesterday!  

Winnie is not so excited that Kyle has discovered he can climb in the crate..

Sporting Eagles colors today.

It's hard work getting a good picture..

September 2, 2013

Weekend with the Madsen's in Tyler, Texas!

Some of our favorite friends left Dallas a couple months ago and moved out to Tyler, Texas. We took advantage of the long weekend and went for a visit! We had 5 kids age 5 months to 5 years under one roof. Justin practiced his swimming skills, Dave and Shad golfed, and Shannon and I managed to escape for a few beers.  Oh - AND we went to the circus. How could I forget the circus. It was a small little circus..they did have Tigers. Shannon thought the tiger-dude was also the motorcycle's likely everybody had two jobs at this circus ;)  Justin liked the tigers...and then proceeded to ask where they were the rest of the time. We left at intermission -the kiddos had their fill by then.

We're looking forward to visiting Tyler again! (And Shannon and I are really looking forward to October when we sneak away for a weekend to visit Connie in Iowa! - NO KIDS!)

At the circus!
The grocery store had a bar..and live music so our trip took a little while.

Molly and Justin - out looking for fish.

Swim practice...wearing him out before the drive home!

Two minutes down the road...
we had said we were going to get ice cream...he couldn't make it!