Happy 2nd Birthday sweet boy!
Justin's card from Hayden (he's 4 and writes like a 6 year old) |
I made a slide show of the past year on our new video software and the video is entirely too long but I don't have time to make it shorter- so I uploaded it anyway! Hopefully someday Justin will appreciate that mommy spent way too much time doing something that still isn't perfect because she still had to log back in to work and make cupcakes and it was already after 9:00!
Our year got off to a rough start with a call from daycare on Justin's first birthday. I picked him up because he was sick and then....shortly thereafter we ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. Let's hope this year starts off a little better!
Everything I said in the1st Birthday
post still applies! Motherhood is still awesome and it is awesome watching Justin learn new things. It's still hard being away from family (we love FaceTime and Skype) and there are days that being a working mom is really tough -but I know those days exist for stay-at-home moms too!
As I mentioned a few weeks
ago I am LOVING some of stuff he's doing and the words coming out of his mouth. Yesterday he woke up and I could hear him in there going "Mommy..Ah ah achoo!" and it made me laugh.
Last weekend I grabbed his laundry and took it to the laundry room and later realized he hadn't followed me back out. Just about the time I was going to go see what he was up to he came out carrying his big hamper. He evidently thought I needed the whole thing:
One of my favorite things about this stage is talking him in to doing him what I want to do by offering him a choice. Yesterday I said - "Do you want to put my keys in my hands or in my pocket" in order to get my keys back without a fit. Kid TOTALLY falls for it. And he's becoming bribeable. He loves chapstick and if we're in the car and I want him to sit down so I can buckle him - or put something down or stop kicking the seat or whatever I'll just say "Do you want some chapstick?" and he does whatever I want him to do. It is nice that he's able to reason a bit now!
I'm more in awe of this kiddo every day. Proud to be his mommy and excited for what his 3rd year of life brings!
We're looking forward to celebrating his birthday- we're having a few friends over on Friday (and the Dube's will be here!) for some pizza and cake! More photos to come!