December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We went to Philly for Christmas with the Prinz clan. Flying with a 10 month old is a bit challenging and exhausting, but it was a good trip and we're glad we were able to spend a few extra days and hang out with everyone.

Justin wasn't the most pleasant over the holiday. There was a lot of this:
 and this:

While not being in familiar surroundings Justin had an awful cold - which was possibly an ear infection, and was working on 3 new teeth. He got an antibiotic on Tuesday night and by Wednesday was much more pleasant - but he's still a bit of a whiny mama's boy at the moment.

Christmas at Aunt Jeanne's: (Yes- that tree is enormous.)
Justin snuggling with Grandmom:

Justin bundled up for the blizzard:
 And finally some smiles on Thursday for Auntie Lori:
We didn't take near enough pictures- chasing around the snot-nosed kid seemed to prevent that. I do have some video I'll try to edit and post this weekend. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

December 21, 2010

First official words

Justin has been mouthing bye-bye whenever we say it and wave to him but he had yet to make the sounds with it until this morning. We were leaving the house and I said "are you ready to go bye bye?" and he started waving and actually said it. I tried not to scare him by becoming overly excited- but it is so fun when he learns something new!

He's babbling lots of nonsense lately- but these are his first intentional words that were said at the appropriate time!

December 19, 2010

Crawling Video

Here is some video of Justin crawling yesterday morning before the holiday brunch we hosted. He has really figured it out in the last 24 hours- which has been fun to watch. He can still get a bit awkward - sort of like a foal - his limbs don't always cooperate like he wants.

I'll post a couple of pictures from the brunch later - I wish we had taken more of them!

December 13, 2010

He crawled!

When I got home tonight Justin was playing on the floor. He's usually pretty excited to see me when I get home so I thought it might encourage a crawling attempt. So, I got down on the floor and tried to get him to crawl over to me to say hello and he FINALLY did it! It was more than just one little scoot- (after which he usually splats). He actually managed to make it over to me without ending up face down on the rug.

This means that actual movement is about to start..I'm excited for Justin and already exhausted for me! He's been pretty frustrated with his inability to get places without assistance and I know he'll be going non-stop once he gets the hang of it!

We'll try to get a repeat performance out of him and get it on video..

December 6, 2010

Sniffle....Snort...Hi Santa

Karen came to visit us this weekend- and of course Justin was sick all weekend. Poor little guy has been a snot machine. Regardless, it was great to have Karen here and we did make it to the Arboretum on Saturday for a bit.

Justin had his first visit with Santa. Karen snagged this photo with her phone while they were taking his picture. He didn't throw a fit but he was a bit unsure. The Santa was great- real beard and all.

After his visit with Santa, the Snowman and the Reindeer were walking around and came to get their picture taken with Justin. I imagine he was thinking "Seriously people, I don't feel well and am snotting all over and you want me to get my photo taken with these things?"

December 3, 2010


I had to pick Justin up from daycare this afternoon. He has been really congested the last 24 hours and he had a fever this afternoon of 103. He's acting fine though - and the doc said to just keep an eye on him for now and give him some motrin to keep the temp down.

After we got home, he spent some quality time playing fetch with Winnie. It was so cute I had to grab the camera. The video is a little long but I just couldn't cut any of it out:

Karen arrived this evening and we're looking forward to spending the weekend with her!