Justin FINALLY gave me some good laughs this morning! He had chuckled before- but this morning it was a full-on laugh that I didn't have to twist myself in to knots trying to get out of him. We were just doing our regular morning routine and getting him ready for daycare and he laughed and laughed every time I said "Naked Baby, Naked Baby" and then I of course proceeded to cry because it was so awesome and continue to chant Naked Baby at him while laughing and crying all at the same time....
Maybe we can work at getting his laugh on video this weekend if he continues to think I'm hilarious...
June 30, 2010
June 28, 2010
When we went to Marc and Darcie's last night, Marc though Justin should try out the jumperoo. He loved it! They let us take it home with us since Maya isn't using it any longer. Now we have a fun new distraction and Justin can start to use his legs to stand on. As much as he kicks those little legs- he refuses to stand on them- they turn to jello when you try to hold him up.

Maya stood on the outside and showed Justin the cool jumperoo features.

"This is how you do it, Justin"

Maya stood on the outside and showed Justin the cool jumperoo features.

"This is how you do it, Justin"

June 27, 2010
Saturday Socializing
We went over to our Thaddeus and Jessica's yesterday afternoon to hang out with them and sweet baby Eliza. Thaddeus snapped a cute photo of the two:

Then we swung by a party that my co-worker from Austin was at in our neighborhood and she snapped a photo of me and Justin:

Today we're off to run some errands...and then it's dinner at Marc and Darcie's - their little girl turns 1 next week! It seems like yesterday that I was barely pregnant and we were stopping by the hospital to meet Maya for the first time.

Then we swung by a party that my co-worker from Austin was at in our neighborhood and she snapped a photo of me and Justin:

Today we're off to run some errands...and then it's dinner at Marc and Darcie's - their little girl turns 1 next week! It seems like yesterday that I was barely pregnant and we were stopping by the hospital to meet Maya for the first time.
June 25, 2010
June 22, 2010
Riggan Reunion 2010
We went back to Iowa last weekend for the Riggan Family Reunion. Justin and I got in Thursday night and Dave flew in to meet us on Friday.
Grandma brought Hayden to the airport to pick up me and Justin. It was his first trip to the airport. She has some video of him where he keeps saying "I'm excited" as they are waiting for the plane to fly in. He did not stop talking the entire way home. For a two-year old this kid has quite the vocabulary.
Grandma brought Hayden to the airport to pick up me and Justin. It was his first trip to the airport. She has some video of him where he keeps saying "I'm excited" as they are waiting for the plane to fly in. He did not stop talking the entire way home. For a two-year old this kid has quite the vocabulary.
On Friday morning, Hayden kept asking to hold Justin and almost every time we put him in his lap- he started crying.

Saturday morning we headed to Kalona to ride on the Riggan parade float. Justin was a trooper - it was hot and we had to sit on that trailer for quite some time. We had 109 Riggan's on the float!
After the parade we headed out to the campground. Everything was muddy due to the rain on Friday and we were all a mess by the time we stepped out of the car- but we all had a great time. There were several other babies there- the newest one was cousin Jill's baby girl, Jade. Look how big Justin is compared to her! She is just 6lbs!

Mom had a onesie made for Justin so that he had a Reunion shirt too. I loved it! And she was smart enough to make two of them..we used them both!
I hear there were 130 people in this photo and 171 who made it out at some point during the weekend. We had a sign-in book so we could keep track. It's quite the family!
Here is the original family photo - which was used to create the drawing for our Reunion T-shirts. My dad is the little guy standing next to Grandpa Riggan. I love this photo and am proud to be part of this family!
June 21, 2010
Lily and Justin
More to come about our trip home- just had to post this video of Lily taking care of Justin!
June 17, 2010
Four Month Checkup
Yesterday we took Justin to the pediatrician for his four month checkup. He weighed in at 17.5 lbs and measured just over 26 inches long putting him in the 85th and 90th percentile respectively. As for his head, it's over 17 inches around, which is "off the chart." What can I say...it runs in the family.
Today Justin's daycare held a Father's Day luncheon for all of the Dads in the infant rooms. They gave us all baskets of goodies and handed out some trophies. This guy took home the #1 Dad trophy. All I can say is...I learned from the best ;)
Today Justin's daycare held a Father's Day luncheon for all of the Dads in the infant rooms. They gave us all baskets of goodies and handed out some trophies. This guy took home the #1 Dad trophy. All I can say is...I learned from the best ;)
June 13, 2010
New Trick
Justin has started using his feet on the playmat- his new trick for the weekend.
(Video doesn't seem to want to embed - here's the link )

He's also been SUPER fussy at bedtime the last couple of nights. As a matter of fact I just broke down and turned the mobile on...something I told Dave was a no-no at bedtime because I don't want him getting used to it and needing it to go to sleep. Of course all I am doing is delaying the screaming for a bit- because he will start again when it goes off. He did this the last time he went through a bit of a growth spurt- so I'm hoping it's temporary and that we'll get back in the swing of things this week. Or else he's going to be doing a lot of screaming himself to sleep...which really isn't fun for anybody.
(Video doesn't seem to want to embed - here's the link )

He's also been SUPER fussy at bedtime the last couple of nights. As a matter of fact I just broke down and turned the mobile on...something I told Dave was a no-no at bedtime because I don't want him getting used to it and needing it to go to sleep. Of course all I am doing is delaying the screaming for a bit- because he will start again when it goes off. He did this the last time he went through a bit of a growth spurt- so I'm hoping it's temporary and that we'll get back in the swing of things this week. Or else he's going to be doing a lot of screaming himself to sleep...which really isn't fun for anybody.
June 10, 2010
Playtime tonight consisted of blowing bubbles and eating hands:
Some videos from our sick days..
The mobile was a lifesaver on Wednesday while I had a couple of conference calls to get through. He LOVES it - and either goes crazy kicking or just stares:
The playmat also got a pretty good workout:
The playmat also got a pretty good workout:
Back at work!
Justin is back in daycare today after 36 hours of no explosions out either end! Hopefully his bug is out of his system - though I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the next one hits!
June 8, 2010
Day 2 home from work
Well - I thought today was going okay until about 2:30....and then the vomit-mobile came to visit again. So..it's looking like I'll be home at least another day with the little guy. Daddy gets to assume duty if this is still going on Thursday and Friday!
Here's a cute pic of him all snuggled up in the swing during my conference call today....now if only I can get it to work that perfectly during tomorrow's conference call!
Here's a cute pic of him all snuggled up in the swing during my conference call today....now if only I can get it to work that perfectly during tomorrow's conference call!

June 7, 2010
Home with a sick baby boy
Well those diaper explosions from Sunday got a little nasty at 2am this morning and just when I decided that my sweet baby was well enough to go to daycare around 9am - he threw up all over me. So needless to say- I'm attempting to work from home today while he continues to explode diapers. I've chatted with the doctor's office and they basically said we need to wait it out unless things get worse.
Did I mention Dave is in Houston for work? Yeah..so we're on our own and Mommy is likely stuck home from work at least one more day. Daycare won't take him back until it's out of his system. Evidently there was a little girl with something of this sort last week. So..we have our first daycare bug.
I'm amazed at the amount of laundry this little situation has generated already!
Little guy napping while Mommy gets some work done:

Note for new mommies- keep some Pedialyte on hand for these situations - it's scary running to the store with a baby who could explode out either end. :)
Did I mention Dave is in Houston for work? Yeah..so we're on our own and Mommy is likely stuck home from work at least one more day. Daycare won't take him back until it's out of his system. Evidently there was a little girl with something of this sort last week. So..we have our first daycare bug.
I'm amazed at the amount of laundry this little situation has generated already!
Little guy napping while Mommy gets some work done:

Note for new mommies- keep some Pedialyte on hand for these situations - it's scary running to the store with a baby who could explode out either end. :)
June 6, 2010
Nice little weekend..
We had a nice little weekend- even though it was 400 degrees here (okay only 100..but HOT).
Friday night we had "pizza club" with Ben and Rachel - we try to get together and try out new pizza joints. We went to Cane Rosso - and it was awesome. Definitely worth checking out for those of you in Dallas!
Hangin with Ben and Rachel:

Trying on Ben's sunglasses:

Saturday we went to Shad and Shannon's for dinner. Little miss Molly was sweet to Justin and tried to give him his toys and kept feeling his soft hair:

In other news - it's been a weekend of exploding, stinky diapers- so that's been fun...
Friday night we had "pizza club" with Ben and Rachel - we try to get together and try out new pizza joints. We went to Cane Rosso - and it was awesome. Definitely worth checking out for those of you in Dallas!
Hangin with Ben and Rachel:

Trying on Ben's sunglasses:

Saturday we went to Shad and Shannon's for dinner. Little miss Molly was sweet to Justin and tried to give him his toys and kept feeling his soft hair:

In other news - it's been a weekend of exploding, stinky diapers- so that's been fun...
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