We had a fun-filled weekend of yard work! Justin fell asleep on the way to Home Depot and stayed that way for over 4 hours -so we were able to get some stuff done! After he woke up I tried to sit him outside but it was really windy and he was not enjoying the dirt blowing in his face- so it didn't last as long as I would have liked!
Justin went to work with me today. I had some things to do and wanted to download some updates to the work laptop so he came with me. He was SO good. He slept in his car seat for a couple of hours, ate and then chilled out on the floor. He was so cooperative Katie and I even went to lunch afterward- and he napped through that too.
Being such a good baby at the office:
Still sleeping when we got home from lunch:
In other news- he weighed in at 12lbs at his doctor's appointment yesterday. He's in the 95th percentile for everything (whatever that means- the doctor assured us it doesn't mean he's fat- yet - just a big baby). We're starting "tummy-time" now too. It didn't go over so well yesterday.
We're also making some progress on the daycare front. Hopefully after tomorrow we'll have our game plan in place!
The weather is crazy - Friday night we were sitting outside on the deck - today we have inches of snow on the ground yet again. Here are some pics from the weekend.
My parents were in town last week to get their first glimpse of JD. It was great having them here to assist us and to show us a few things. Some pics from the weekend:
Dave's parents were here last weekend and it was wonderful to have some extra hands around the house and Mommy was appreciative of all of the diaper changes and feedings that they assisted with! Grandmom also made sure the fridge was stocked with food for Mommy and Daddy. Dave will post some pics of Justin and the Grandparents soon as they are on his camera.
Here are some random pics from the last week.
First sponge bath:
Chillin in the sweet Rocky onesie that Reinie gave him:
Hanging out in the bouncy seat next to the cute little stool some of the lawyers I work with sent him:
After our first walk around the neighborhood today: