The first few days at home have gone pretty well. The little guy has even let me shower and eat breakfast every day! (way to jinx myself) There is a lot of diaper changing, feeding, rocking and cuddling going on and I'm sure Dave has some more pics he'll post soon of our bundle of joy hanging out and looking like a newborn.
Dave's parents are on their way to Dallas today, and Justin is looking forward to even more cuddles and kisses from the grandparents!
February 27, 2010
February 23, 2010
Justin Is Home!
Last night we "roomed in" at the hospital as kind of a test run before taking Justin home. We all made it out alive so they let us take him home today. All of his tests came back normal, he's eating like a champ and already up to 9.5 lbs!!! So far he seems to like the new digs and Winnie has already cuddled up and given her seal of approval.
Not quite Rockin' Out With His Hawk Out, more like Chillin'
Keeping warm with his Iggles blanket
Ready to go home!
Winnie likes her new toy ;)
Not quite Rockin' Out With His Hawk Out, more like Chillin'
Keeping warm with his Iggles blanket
Ready to go home!
Winnie likes her new toy ;)
February 21, 2010
They were able to stop Justin's IV fluids and remove his feeding tube today. His blood-sugar levels are good and he's eating like a champ. The nurse told me he weighed 9lbs 5oz - he's not a small baby!
They will be giving him his last does of antibiotics at 2pm tomorrow if all goes as scheduled and they want to keep him for 24 hours after that last dose. It sounds like we may get to "room-in" tomorrow night at the hospital. They give NICU parents a chance to check in to the hospital for a night and they leave you alone to take care of your kid on your own (with help nearby) for a night before sending you home.
Fingers crossed that everything goes as planned and we'll have the little guy home Tuesday!!

They will be giving him his last does of antibiotics at 2pm tomorrow if all goes as scheduled and they want to keep him for 24 hours after that last dose. It sounds like we may get to "room-in" tomorrow night at the hospital. They give NICU parents a chance to check in to the hospital for a night and they leave you alone to take care of your kid on your own (with help nearby) for a night before sending you home.
Fingers crossed that everything goes as planned and we'll have the little guy home Tuesday!!

February 20, 2010
Home From The Hospital
Tanya was discharged from the hospital on Friday but Justin will be spending a few more days in the NICU. He is doing much better but still needs to finish his dose of antibiotics. It was nice being home, and sleeping in our own bed, but we can't wait to bring our little boy home on Tuesday. It was a long, stressful week but we appreciate all of the support from our friends and family. Here are some pictures from his first few days.
February 18, 2010
A Whirlwind Week
I was supposed to go to the hospital on Thursday, February 11 and get the induction process started. That night a couple of hours before we were supposed to go in we got a phone call from the hospital telling us not to come in because the crazy record-breaking snowstorm was hitting Dallas and they were postponing me until Monday morning.
No luck going in to labor on my own over the weekend- so we came in Monday morning the 15th as scheduled. I was in labor by 8:30am and it was the slowest process in the world. They broke my water that day around 1pm. I was progressing but it was so slow. Soon enough we watched the clock strike midnight and it was the 16th. Mom and Dad have been in town and the were expecting us to call them to tell them to come to the hospital to meet their new grandbaby that night sometime- but no luck! They came in Tuesday morning and ended up staying at the hospital all day before they were finally able to meet him!
I was able to start pushing around 10 or 10:30am on the Tuesday morning and pushed for about 2 and a half hours. The baby wasn't facing the right direction which made everything very slow. The doc had the forceps out to help and everything - but the kid just wasn't going to make all the way out - sooo off we go to the O.R. for a c-section. By this time I was shaking - partly due to post-labor hormones and partly cause I was terrified. I really didn't think I'd end up needing a c-section - especially after 30 hours of labor!
So Justin arrived around 1:15 on Tuesday afternoon. He wasn't crying which was kind of scary - they had to tube him to get his breathing going and then they were able to take it out pretty quickly. But he still wasn't the lively baby that everyone was expecting because his numbers had been really good during the whole labor process. So we basically go to say hello to him and they took him away to the NICU.
I was in recovery until around 5pm and then they led us up to the NICU so I could say hello on the way to our room. I was able to hold him for a few minutes- and then Dave and I went to our room to get settled. I was pretty out of it - as you can imagine and Dave was exhausted after catching cat-naps in a chair the night before during all of this.
We thought Justin would be able to join us in our room by Wednesday afternoon, but his blood sugar levels have been down and they thought he might have an infection. I was finally able to go spend some time with him at 4:30am on Wednesday. Before that I couldn't really move! The very nice nurse on duty that night wheeled me down there and I just sat and held him for a few hours before I had to go back to my room.
Unfortunately Justin has still had issues keeping his sugar levels where they need to be- so he's still in the NICU. They decided today that they want to keep him until Tuesday so that he's had a full week of antibiotics before his release. His cultures have not come back positive for an infection but some he has some other symptoms that would indicate infection (which can happen when mama's water has been broken for that long before he finally arrives). His sugar levels are okay right now- but until he can maintain them on his own they are supplementing with an IV.
So - he's here and has made quite an entrance! He's doing well - probably the healthiest baby in the NICU - he just has to remain there until he's off his IV. It really has been a whirlwind of a week and we're looking forward to getting him home next week! We'll post some new pics soon!
No luck going in to labor on my own over the weekend- so we came in Monday morning the 15th as scheduled. I was in labor by 8:30am and it was the slowest process in the world. They broke my water that day around 1pm. I was progressing but it was so slow. Soon enough we watched the clock strike midnight and it was the 16th. Mom and Dad have been in town and the were expecting us to call them to tell them to come to the hospital to meet their new grandbaby that night sometime- but no luck! They came in Tuesday morning and ended up staying at the hospital all day before they were finally able to meet him!
I was able to start pushing around 10 or 10:30am on the Tuesday morning and pushed for about 2 and a half hours. The baby wasn't facing the right direction which made everything very slow. The doc had the forceps out to help and everything - but the kid just wasn't going to make all the way out - sooo off we go to the O.R. for a c-section. By this time I was shaking - partly due to post-labor hormones and partly cause I was terrified. I really didn't think I'd end up needing a c-section - especially after 30 hours of labor!
So Justin arrived around 1:15 on Tuesday afternoon. He wasn't crying which was kind of scary - they had to tube him to get his breathing going and then they were able to take it out pretty quickly. But he still wasn't the lively baby that everyone was expecting because his numbers had been really good during the whole labor process. So we basically go to say hello to him and they took him away to the NICU.
I was in recovery until around 5pm and then they led us up to the NICU so I could say hello on the way to our room. I was able to hold him for a few minutes- and then Dave and I went to our room to get settled. I was pretty out of it - as you can imagine and Dave was exhausted after catching cat-naps in a chair the night before during all of this.
We thought Justin would be able to join us in our room by Wednesday afternoon, but his blood sugar levels have been down and they thought he might have an infection. I was finally able to go spend some time with him at 4:30am on Wednesday. Before that I couldn't really move! The very nice nurse on duty that night wheeled me down there and I just sat and held him for a few hours before I had to go back to my room.
Unfortunately Justin has still had issues keeping his sugar levels where they need to be- so he's still in the NICU. They decided today that they want to keep him until Tuesday so that he's had a full week of antibiotics before his release. His cultures have not come back positive for an infection but some he has some other symptoms that would indicate infection (which can happen when mama's water has been broken for that long before he finally arrives). His sugar levels are okay right now- but until he can maintain them on his own they are supplementing with an IV.
So - he's here and has made quite an entrance! He's doing well - probably the healthiest baby in the NICU - he just has to remain there until he's off his IV. It really has been a whirlwind of a week and we're looking forward to getting him home next week! We'll post some new pics soon!
February 15, 2010
Dave as Brand New Baby
As promised, here are a couple of pictures of Dave as a baby. Pretty soon we'll know if Barnaby looks more like Mom or Dad.
Dave with Big Sister Lori
Dave with Big Sister Lori
On the way to hosptial
Just wanted to post this last pic of the pregnant belly. Mom took this before we left for the hosptial on February 15!
February 12, 2010
40 Weeks and 6 Days
Well- we aren't at the hospital as planned. They called last night to push everything back until Monday. The nurse said the only way for me to get in before then was to go in to labor- and that just doesn't seem as if it wants to happen.
The reason they pushed us to Monday was SNOW! Dallas broke a record with over 12 inches of the white stuff. Mom and Dad got to town just in time to join us for the storm and power outage! We have been without electricity since 1am. We've been running the burners on our gas stove for heat.
Dave and I are leaving shortly to join mom and dad at a hotel for a bit- hopefully when we come back to check on winnie later the power will be back on- though we hear it may take awhile as the outages are pretty widespread.
We'll post some pics when we get a chance.
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February 9, 2010
40 Weeks and 3 Days
My Doctor had her baby this weekend. She was due a few weeks after me and I'd ask her during every appointment if she was going to hold out to deliver my baby - she was so sure she was going to be late with hers that she didn't think it was an issue.
She went in to labor on Super Bowl Sunday and mom and baby boy are doing well. I'm happy for her but totally bummed that she doesn't get to deliver Baby Prinz. :(
She went in to labor on Super Bowl Sunday and mom and baby boy are doing well. I'm happy for her but totally bummed that she doesn't get to deliver Baby Prinz. :(
February 7, 2010
40 Weeks
40 weeks is here- still no baby!
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